Hotfixes were applied to all LA environments to resolve the following issues:
- Accounting - Payment did not reverse and missing GL entries after contract amendment (Data fix)
- Billing - Update invoice status from Completed to Active, and Payment status to failed/declined
- Billing - Update Invoice status to Complete and payment status to Success
- Facility & Space - Amendment Summary/Detail, Session Equipment not Reflecting Customization [exlusion, change start time, duration)
- Billing - Update Invoice Status from Completed to Overdue, and Payment Status from Success to Declined.
- Accounting, Store - Price including tax is not calculating correctly when product sold with membership
- Billing - Process Now button missing for Active Invoices
- Facility & Space - Times showing in incorrect order- Jan 4, 2019 facility schedule
- Facility & Space - Online booking: Error upon attempting to proceed to check out
- Facility & Space - Showing data outside of filters
- Store - Point of Sale Store Icons skewed since Jan 29 Update
- Calendar - Unable to charge attendees for events
- Billing - Automatic Late Fee not being triggered
- Accounting - Staff Payment Estimate report showing pay amount for a cancelled class
- Accounting - Client deleted 31 records of GL accounts from Smart client
- CRM - Renewing pass that does not have online fee, allows for free renewal
- Calendar - Unable to access Check-In page
- Membership - Membership tax included renewal fee incorrect when processing payment
- CRM - Clear the Overdue amount
- Facility & Space - Facilities: Unavailability under facility operational hours not reflecting in advanced reservations
- Billing - Payments status in-progress over a month
- Calendar, Online Community - Online Experience: BookMe4 Landing Page, PerHour Extra Fee Total on Event Summary displays Wrong Value
- CRM - Gets an error message while terminating $0.00 membership
- CRM - Incorrect times reflected in Registration Confirmation
- Billing - Invoice CartItem Subtotal is not equal Invoice CartItem Occurrence Subtotal on purchase tax included course
- Facility & Space - Error when adding more than 15 characters to button label
- CRM - Adding members to family membership
- UI - UI is wrong on merge contract page
- CRM - Last Attended Date doesn't get auto updated
- CRM - Refund to credit only not working when refunding from membership tile
- Accounting, Billing, CRM - Data fix: G422597 Round Rock, Refund to subsidy posted to Payment GL
- Calendar - When client doesn't meet any age registrations, should go back client search page,
- Facility & Space - Amendment Summary Export PDF: When select all columns, Cycle Column is truncated and Cycle Start Date and Cycle end Date not showing
- Facility & Space - Facility Booking report showing fees correctly fo FA-8992
- CRM - Membership View does not show Price Column correctly
- Facility & Space - Custom Repeat pattern shows each month twice and cannot select any day
- Facility and Space - Rolled over FA changes reservation prices to super high amount (180 to 155k)
- Billing - Data fix: G423706 Mission, Missing refunds on PM
- CRM - Missing the Last Day of Booked Event on Schedule View
- Calendar - Event ID,11456,10593 and 10447 does not allow to enroll any client
- Online Community - After following the steps to log in- member is re-directed to a blank page.
- CRM - Penny Rounding issue with Terminate w/ Refund
- Billing - Receipts: Memberships – Limited by time
- CRM - Membership tiles on contact page require touch screen hover
- Calendar - Planner Event tiles require touch screen hover
- Calendar - Online single booking: Landing page
- CRM - Registration confirmation: Order is random
- CRM - Registration confirmation: Discounts for one attendee/item showing for all attendees and items
- Calendar - Online google map directions on event landing page (show map link)
- CRM - Alert Messages NOT triggering when Registering into Custom Booking event
- Facility & Space - Some Records previous start/end date/time having '1899-12-31 16:00:00.000' when no audit records found
- Facility - Fee picklist does not show hover
- Services - Fee picklist does not show hover
- Calendar - Conflict manager showing incorrect conflict
- Account Member - Account Member not added if error occurs during creation
- Facility & Space - Sort By [Date] does not sort in Datetime sequence
- Calendar - System calculating wrong refund amount for client in event 00004932
- Calendar - Course with no age restrictions is assigning age restrictions
- Facility & Space - Remove phantom booking from availability
- Calendar - Search bar does not return any results
- Accounting - GL accounts set to a specific location do not show up when creating a product at that same location. Only GL accounts set to ALL LOCATIONS show up
- Facility & Space - Add lookups for view of data
- Facility & Space - Remove phantom facility booking
- Billing - Fee Rollover not saving right date/time
- Billing - City of Victoria G423404: Payment showing collected on PM but not in Chase
- Store - Split Payments of [Pay ON or Pay Later], payment terms only show one payment
- Calendar - Event displaying incorrect date under view activities
- Billing - Auto-renewal created next invoice due for the wrong date - Investigation
- Billing - Georgetown Parks and Rec G423301: Payment PYMT-75632 in PM but not in Moneris
- Online Community - Course Listing: Course total Show FULL total Amount (not prorated with cancelled sessions)
- Store - Unable To Override Registration Resctrictions when selling Event Through POS
- Billing - North Cowichan G424112: Transaction in PM but voided in Moneris
- Facility & Space - Maintenance report showing a timeout error
- Billing - Payment received at the payment processor but not recorded in PM
- Billing - Payment did not reverse correctly
- Billing - G422986 Johnson County: Transaction on Vantiv, missing on PM
- Calendar - 5.2.1 Events: Error upon attempting to withdraw member
- Accounting - Price George G423785: Transaction Subtotal 1 cent over sum of Cart Item (multiple cart items)
- Accounting - Richmond Oval G422161 transaction with one penny rounding difference between invoice total and cart item prices (multiple cart items)
- Accounting - Prince George G423785 transaction with one penny rounding difference between invoice total and cart item prices (multiple cart items)
- Calendar - End date/time of additional facilities are booked
- Accounting - Generic Script: Transaction Subtotal 1 cent over sum of Cart Item (single cart items)
- Accounting - Generic Script: Transaction Subtotal 1 cent over sum of Cart Item (multiple cart items)
- Accounting - Able to delete GLs and System Gls from smartclient
- Store - Clients using online bookings inconsistent
- Accounting - 5.2.1: Zero value journals posted on punch down session from zero price punch pass
- Billing - Update payment and invoice status
- Billing - Add refund to invoice
- Billing - G422971 invoice status and amounts incorrect: need to be updated
- Billing - G423852 update transaction overdue amount to $0
- Calendar - Unable to qualify member for Member Rate fee
- Facility & Space - Incorrect amount populates with split payment
- Calendar - Client not attached to attendance records
- Accounting - Reports: Instructor payment report is pulling incorrect end dates.
- Accounting - Prince George G423785 transaction with one penny rounding difference between invoice total and cart item prices (single cart items)
- CRM - An error has occurred while processing Report 'ARAgingSummary'
- CRM - "Debit from Customer " column text is not wrapped
- Billing, CRM - Object Views - Add pagination for transaction and GL information
- Accounting - Journals imbalance on amending contract with Pay On and split processing of invoice
- Calendar - Events showing under Incorrect Instructor Calendar - Month View
- Calendar - Today's date showing as yesterday's date on event listing page
- Accounting - Journals imbalance on terminate punch pass membership
- Billing - Invoice total for extra and event doesn't match actual amount on purchasing multiple facility event with Pay On
- Facility & Space - Remove phantom bookings
- Billing - G423706 Mission: Missing transaction on PM
- Billing - Success pop up doesn't display
- Calendar - Event Roster by Session: wrong elements on the report
- Billing - Set payment to declined BACKDATE
- CRM - An error has occurred while processing Report 'IncomeAndLossSummary'
- CRM - View picker not showing with Gl Journal related tab in transactions
- Facility & Space - Withholding security deposit causes incorrect refund amount
- Billing - Invoice amount becomes double than the original amount once the system adds additional invoices on an ongoing transaction
- Store - Tax not included along with the renewal fee when processing the auto renewal invoice